Thursday, December 16, 2010

Best Present

Another month has yet gone by and for some reason it still feels like your here. 1 more month and it will actually be 1 whole year. I miss your smile, your personality, your gentleness, and kindness. I miss you.. You... You could change a person with your smile. I know you changed me. The way I see things, from a different perspective. Such as people who want something or most important NEED something. The person with family problems. friends fighting, or a homeless person on the side of the road. They need someone who is there to listen, to help fix, and to give. You not only did that but gave it to me. It is by far the most important and best gift I have ever received from someone.
Love you always Katie :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

I Love You

Is this what it's like to die?
It hurts so badly when one we loved dies. It's so final. All the things we wanted to say and do with thtat person, we'll never have a chance to do.
There is a life after death, a reunion with other believers who have gone to heaven before us. Even though we miss them terribly during this life, we have hope- the certainty that we'll see them again.
Isaiah 57:1 says "The righteous perish and on one ponders it in his heart; devout men are taken away and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil.
That verse explains everything that her family, her classmates, and her aquantices went through, just about everyone who knew her in some sort of way went through a lot of pain and sufferin.
So heres to the good times and awesome memories. I love you Katie, and always will.

Eight Months

Why do bad things happen to good people? The answer, when your the one who's hurting the answer becomes pretty empty, and the most difficult.
The truth is we know everyone will die someday. But when we face the death of someone we love, we're not ready for it. The shock and the pain can leave us feeling overwhelmed and even angry.
Having your best friend killed is one of the hardest things to experience... The crying and the headaches and the heart breaking moments... believe it or not are normal. Ways to get over something so tragic... don't ask me.. The crying, headaches, and heart breaking moments are still happening.
Talking to friends.. Not helping
talking to family.. Not helping
Talking to counselors.. Make it worse
Talking to God feels like talking to a brick wall..
I cant do anything to feel ok about what happened. Ya, I know she is in a better place but really she didn't have to go like that, or in that place, or at that time, Katie was a girl who deserved to have a longer time. Shoe would have done good things. For everyone. Katie, was our sunshine on our cloudy and rainy days, and we all liked to her for help, and support through our times of needs. Now we have to be there for her family through their time of heart break and sadness. From this day on the 7th of all months will be the saddest.
Everyone misses her and will always miss her. Save a place for me Katie. :)